Jon Gruber of Daring Fireball brought up valuable points in his latest rebuttal in the ongoing Nintendo vs. RIM Blackberry saga. I'd like to highlight these two sentences where I agree heavily.
Today, though, someone deciding to buy a dedicated handheld game device is, more likely than not, deciding whether to buy something to carry in addition to the mobile device they already carry everywhere.
The App Store is, practically speaking, an infinite source of new games.
I bought Nintendo's Wii U out of impulse and somewhat regretfully so. I haven't powered up the system since the initial update and have yet to buy any games. The last time I felt that way about a console was Playstation's PSP. It was deemed "portable" but I found it bulky when it came to bringing more than a few games plus extra batteries. Fast forward just a few months later, I ended up only bringing a single game, no battery, then eventually only used it as a media device until I purchased Apple's iPhone 3G. Prior to that, I was using both my Palm Treo 650 and PSP. Chargers in tote, it was a lot to bring on my person especially when I would only access the PSP at the hotels or on the plane commuting back and forth.
I have yet to buy a Nintendo 3DS/3DSXL (I wouldn't actually consider the 2DS) only because, when it comes down to it, I don't want to carry anything more than I already do. I've been considering it for a while now but my current lifestyle of being an airline pilot who commutes from San Diego to Atlanta Dallas on a weekly basis is best when paired with minimalism. Two bags; one for lunch the other for clothing. To further establish the fact that I don't need one, 75% of my gaming is on an iOS device. It's on me, it's with me wherever I go, and it's quick and dirty. No power-up loading times or lag. It's instant gratification. I wish only the best for Nintendo and I truly am rooting for them.
Jumping thoughts, when it comes to consoles / dedicated gaming, I don't foresee any regret in the near future with Sony's latest Playstation 4. Heck, I might even get a Vita (not sure on the OLED version vs. the LCD one) if it means I can play remotely and have access to my PS4! Yea, I reserved one and will be there at midnight at the local Best Buy.