This website has been a steady work of progress ever since I started blogging many moons ago. I got bored with my old site (Blogger) rather quickly and ended up experimenting with Wordpress. I wanted to go do it right using The Thesis Theme for WordPress and that lasted quite a while. In 2015, I decided to start fresh and go with Squarespace! It's sleek, sweet and simple especially on the backend. It's a wonderful medium for you and I so explore and please comment.
email: or follow me: @eejay or instagram: elijahnicolas
Feel free to send an email any time. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
I love reviewing and photographing new products. If there is anything you are interested in or would like me to review a product, please don't hesitate to contact me.
photo by Chaz Cruz
affiliate link policy
Many of the links used here on are affiliate links. By shopping through these links, receives a small kickback. I am very appreciative of your help and support.
“Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein