Opera Mini 4.1b & JVM for Treo 650/700p/750/755 (part 2)
Due to the overwhelming flood of requests, I have posted a direct download for the Java Virtual Machine PRC file on my webserver. Now you will be able to download the install file directly to your mobile Palm device enabling instant satisfaction. You'll also be able to enjoy a more complete mobile HTML browsing experience with Opera Mini.
I've been using Opera Mini 4.1 beta for a little while now and all the little upgrades that they did over 4.0 are definitely worth the trial. Get it now at www.operamini.com/beta
Below is an excerpt directly from their website. Happy Mobile Browsing!
New in Opera Mini 4.1 beta
Now even faster
Prior to this release, we upgraded our servers and Opera Mini now receives your requested Web pages up to 50% faster. So you can now access sites like Facebook, BBC, and any of your other favorite Web sites even faster, with Desktop-like speeds.
Find things faster
Even though scrolling to your Web content is already easy with Opera Mini, the new Opera Mini 4.1 beta lets you search for text within a Web page so you can get to the information you need even quicker than before.
Get to your Web sites faster
Now you can stop wasting time typing in full Web addresses more than once while browsing. When typing Web addresses, Opera Mini 4.1 beta will recognize and suggest completions for you based on your Bookmarks and browsing history, making address input faster, easier and much more intuitive.