February Schedule!
There it is...posted on the right hand sidebar. Take a look closely though and you will find that I will be flying 10 days out of 11 straight. It's going to be freaking ridiculous the way that they have it for me in February. I also have a lot of Recurrent Ground Training (RGT) and two Simulator Proficiency Checks (SR2A). It doesn't look like I'll be making it home that much to San Diego. I have to maybe even get a trip taken away because per our contract, we are suppose to have a day off prior to any of our training events and if you look at the 11th of the month, I'm still working. I don't think that I have that I have that many good overnights, but I always try to make it the best I can.
I'm also looking at maybe participating in the St. Patrick's Day 10K here in Fiesta Island, San Diego. Should be fun right?! I better start training now or something. Check it out!

Update: Adelle and I just registered to run the 10K. Come join in on the fun and let's do it together! Leave a comment if you decide to register.