Guess to whom you are now looking at!?!?!
Yeah that's right, I am now an official Commercial Multi-Engine Rated pilot with Instrument privileges. This is Mr. John Castronover to which I had the opportunity to have for my FAA Designated Examiner. He was by far, one of the most experienced pilots that I have flown with. From all his various type ratings to years put in with Eastern Airlines and retiring with his last leg in San Diego, I had a good chance to see how happy ones life can be in aviation as well as how bitter one can feel about certain airline companies.
Well, not to brush my nose off or anything, I was given one of the best compliments I have ever been given in my aviation career. "Elijah, you had the plane eating out of your hands. You are definitely one of the best students to come out of here. Your commanding presence in the aircraft is definitely what will make you well qualified to sit left seat." Okay, so yeah, I won't let it get me cocky or anything, but to have a 33,000 hour pilot say that to me, a 231 hour pilot, really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I have no other way of putting it. It was great and I felt good about the entire ride. The confidence factor and the lack of anxiety (well, not as much as I normally do) really helped me out a great deal. Whatever the next picture with me will be will have me standing with 3 stripes! Bring it on Jet World! Yeah, no time to break people, I have jet class day 1 tomorrow!