Adelle is / was here...
So, Adelle got a chance to come over for the Halloween Weekend. This basically marks the beginning of when we went out for the first time. No, it wasn't us on a date, but more like a "casual" outting to a club called E-Street in Downtown, SD. It was for the Halloween Special. And yes, I have never gone back since then. At least I think I haven't. And yes, it's pretty not that cool. Instead, this year, we went to a place called Mai Tai's in Daytona Beach, FL. It's the PB Bar and Grill equivalent but much smaller and a lot more guys! I mean like 90% men! Not fun either, but hey, what can you do? I have Adelle here part of the time. She came with to the graduation ceremony of some friends from the CAPT program and a night flight in the PA44. We also went to Jacksonville and spent some time walking around the St. Johns Mall. Actually, we spent quite a bit driving around trying to find the place. I eventually ended up near Craig Airport. (that's about 20 miles or so north of where we wanted to go) We also got some nice chat time in and mostly just a bunch of "hanging out" time at home just relaxing like what we use to do in SD. I'll miss ya babe!
*who are those two guys trying to mack on my girl?