Well, today was the first day of Jet Transition. More specifically, we actually started CAPT 502: Jet Transport Systems. It is official, I am almost there. I can't see the light just yet, but supposedly, I have about another 120 days of the CAPT program remaining which includes the Christmas break and weekends. It's all so surreal. That means that this blog is almost 1 year old. Laura and I were remembering when we first met which was just about a year ago from this week at our initial interviews. It's amazing to see how far we have come in the program.
My class, AB05-01, has been combined with AB05-02 along with two other students who started at the Commercial level. That brings it to 8 of us all in all. It's going to be a great class I know it! Laura, Manoj and I have decided that we would wait to ask for our three stripes until our other classmate finishes. We are just a crew like that!
Driving to Daytona is just going to be a pain now since that we will have to leave approximately 45 minutes early to find parking and walk to class. And then when the Daytona 500 and Bike Week come along, its going to be such a mess. I do look forward to the King Air Simulator, but more so, the MD-90. Some words of encouragement from Mr. Dan Barnes (a Jet Instructor Pilot), "Our job is to try to kill you everyday, but your job is to prevent just that from happening." Good stuff eh? It's going to be an exciting time.
Well, after yesterday's accomplishments, Manoj, Matty P, Laura, Greg Farlow and his wife Stephanie, and I decided to head out to Cancun Lagoon where they have flip it Tuesdays. Let me explain. Every time you order a drink, the waiter comes by and tosses a coin in the air. One side is labeled, "FREE," while the other is just plain. If it lands on the "FREE" side, then your drink is absolutely free. No gimmicks! Of course, the entire first round with the bartender tossing the coin up wasn't free, but then after we sat down and got a table, I intervened with the waiter and asked if I could flip it myself. I managed to flip it and scored drinks for all of us. The waiter and I became good friends just as I was finishing up my 3rd beer. Yup, you heard it, I drank more than my normal one and half.
I ended up having 4.5 beers (my shirt kind of got a quarter of that half) and a shot of something that Laura got. I kept on flipping some good stuff. I think that all in all, we had four beers each, if not some of us even had 6, and our tab came out to be... $3.71. Yeah you heard it! Freaking three bucks! That excludes the first four that we had to pay for at the bar prior to sitting down. But seriously...that place was fun! I know that I had a lot of fun. Here a picture of me, Manoj and Matty. I'm actually hanging on...You guys remember the UPS man on Mad TV?!!? Yup, that was me... and Jojo and Anh, I was once again running around the car! It was great times! Look at my eyes, they are actually wide open!!!