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Google Maps and It's Wonders

So, as I was reading my daily tech news, I stumbled up the new jawbone bluetooth headset from aliph. I know that some of this was posted 4 days ago and in tech news that's like so last year's news, but you have to watch the video that they have on their site regarding its functionality. It was also uploaded to YouTube and its just down below for you peeps.

There are also multiple sites that talk about the new toy such as i4u to engadget. I found another website called bluetomorrow (link provided by engadget) which has a great write up on the device. It's getting great reviews and I just can't wait to try it out. I must get my hands on one of these. What do you guys think of it? Look below for explanation of the title.

You might be wondering why I titled this entry "Google Maps and It's Wonders" huh? Well, me being my obsessive compulsive self decided to see if I could locate one around my area. They are only currently being sold through Cingular Wireless Stores around the country so I located a few on Google Maps and I found a new feature! When I clicked on the red balloon it had the regular fields of drive to, etc but then I saw that it had a "call for free" dialogue box. Further more, it was a feature that would call you number that you specify and then call the other line once you pick up. You don't even have to dial the number manually anymore...it just works! How awesome is that?!