It's been a couple of months since the NetJets presentation at CAPT and today they flew in a Citation Sovereign Jet! It was awesome! This is a rough piece-together of two separate photos. I didn't want to do it in Photoshop or anything. I'm on a busy schedule. I got to tour the inside and took as many pictures as I could. Here are a few.
This is a picture of the cockpit area. It doesn't look that spacious but the equipment / avionics is freaking amazing! Look at all that glass.
The next two are the bathroom and the LED Right Wing Green Position Lights. It's a lot of wood for the banio eh? Clean and fresh looking.
The postion lights were even cool enough to take a picture of. I'm not sure if you can tell but they consist of two sets of 3 green LED bulbs. Good stuff huh?
Of course, we had to begin our flight after a short delay of oooo's and aaaa's and it started raining a little bit. It was the first time that I got to use my Sporty's headset adapter (actually second) where I hook up my cellular phone to my headset and communicate without all the jet noise. It worked seemslessly. I was able to clearly file an IFR flight plan with Gainesville Flight Service and get a clearance void with Daytona Approach. It was a good feeling where I was able to totally be part of the crew. Sadly enough, it was the first time that I ever filed a Clearance Void. We were at the end of the runway anyways, so Daytona Beach gave us from :27 after the hour until :30 to takeoff and contact Approach. It was good stuff. Here's a shot of the Citation departing right before we took the active Runway 11 at Flagler.
Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that two of the CAPT graduates got to go for a ride to Virginia to watch the pilots training do practice approaches into some random airports with terrain variations. They also headed up to Columbus, Ohio which is the location of their headquarters. They will get a tour tomorrow and get to fly in a Citation X tomorrow back to Flagler. That's just freaking awesome. I hope that we can establish some relationship where they do start hiring us. That's the job that I would go after! Corporate all the way!