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Hectic times, WX, Bolts

Well...as the hurricane season is coming down to an end, we have yet another tropical depression that has formed just south of cuba and seems to be heading in our general direction. We'll more of an accurate estimate of landfall as the upcomming week progresses, but until then, I hope that I'm able to get ahead in the commercial phase of my multi-engine training. Most of you may not know yet, but I did pass my inhouse checkride on Friday and I have the DE ride tomorrow morning bright and early. It should be fun.

I'm going to be a hermit for the remainder of the day and try to get everything down. I'll probably even just paper fly (that's when I sit in front of the plane and pretend) a bit for work on my procedures of Vmc demos and Emergency descents. So far so good though.

Hopefully I'll be posting some good news tomorrow afternoon.

GO CHARGERS!!! We better win esp. after last weeks performance. It was good, but apparently not good enough.