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NDBs, Pinnacle Airlines

NDBs are freaking awesome! Of course, they aren't better or anything, but the last two days of class have been pretty easy. Now, on to studying the FAA questions and getting ready for the first Qualifying Event ofInstrument Ground. It should be fun. I have to redeem myself. I got 9.5/10 on the last quiz but that still doesn't help out my first deficit.

We also started looking at some approached plates today. That was really fun. We even flew on on Microsoft Flight Simulator. That was interesting how much real life situational awareness that that game can provide you with. I just need to fly some approaches on my own and get use to it.

CAPT has another visiting guest on May 24th. The big three honchos from Pinnacle Airlines are coming over to tour and speak to us students. They are the biggest feeder for Northwest Airlines who is also one of the better regionals that are secure and profitable. That should prove to be really fun. We had another guest last Friday from Air Wisconsin and that was enlightening. There are a lot of airlines interested in our program and that always gives me hope. One thing that doesn't is the fact that 98% of all UPS pilots voted to strike if their board doesn't reach negotiations within the next two weeks. That's not a good thing. Let's hope for the best.