Eclipse Aviation Delivers First Customer Eclipse 500

Eclipse Aviation Delivers First Customer Eclipse 500

This is the aircraft for the next 3 years until the "other" competitors start to ramp up their production lines. It is really tempting for everyone to get one of these birds, but the fact is is that we might start seeing a little more of those Cirrus Type Doctor Accidents. I'm sure that the safety issues involved and the training that one has to go through will help prevent any nasty disasters from happening. Shoot, I wouldn't mind having one to fly around in! :-)

Roll Out!!!

Once again, to start off this wonderful day (the day after Christmas which by the way I celebrated with Manoj at a Chinese Buffet Restaurant in Holly Hill, Florida), I thought that I might post this awesome quote.

Now we gotta make the best of it, improvise, adapt to the environment, Darwin, shit happens, I Ching, whatever man, we gotta roll with it. -Vincent (Tom Cruise, Collateral 2004)

I've just been reliving this only because of the recent events. The whole month of December just kind of blew right through. I started out in Luxembourg in late November, then to San Diego, then to Fort Lauderdale, back to Palm Coast, then back down to Fort Lauderdale for the final move, & now here (Palm Coast.) Where to next?

Here are a couple of other quotes:

this one is #4 of the top 10 geek quotes...

My pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard, and they're like you wanna trade cards? Darn right, I wanna trade cards, I'll trade this but not my charizard.

...between building and aircraft

An F2 Tornado cut through Daytona Beach this afternoon just leaving a bunch of debris at the same time taking 50 out of the 65 aircraft that laid in its path along for a quick flight up and down the flight line. It's quite sad to see this happen especially being that it wasn't due to a hurricane (none came this year thankfully) but rather a strange weather phenomena. It's going to be a rough 2nd semester at the Main Campus. Check out these pictures below.

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