First Post!!!

This is it fellas...representing the FLL (Fort Lauderdale), the newest member of the #1 ACMI Cargo airline...ME!!! Thanks for the prayers, the guidance and I'll post more later! About this blog template, I have to admit that I'm trying to get creative again so that I can change it up but it just looks neat and orderly. =) I'll try to find another template, but come on, it easy and very manageable.

blogging from the Hampton Inn

Part II

After the initial testing period, I had the drug testing at 10:00AM, then hung out till lunch. They ordered some really good pizza along with salad and garlic bread and we had it in about 12:00PM. Corey and Jesse from the CAPT program came by and had lunch with me which helped me relax a little bit more. I got finger printed around 1:00PM, then played the waiting game until around 4:00PM where we sat in the Hospitality Room with Greg Vanick (I'm not too sure on the spelling, sorry) and listened to him speak about the company a little bit. I met quite a few interesting people today with various backgrounds and some of them with the potential being future coworkers either in the flight deck, aircraft or in training. Definitely great people to talk to.

I'm definitely getting really excited about everything already. The individuals I met today from Focus Air were awesome. Fe was really nice and having a great and cheerful Director of HR is always a positive thing. You know that feeling you get when checking out a place, that feel good, things look great feeling...I got it today just by meeting these individuals. I also met Michael Klenz and his puppy today. He told me that I would end up working with him and that got me pumped. I'm all about being an assistant to anyone that I can learn from. I like to think of it as being an apprentice. I had a chance to speak to him on the phone for a bit prior to come here and it was great to actually pair a face to the voice. Tomorrow should be an interesting day. I have my HR interview, paperwork, the CEO David McElroy is giving a speech and then I will head over to the main building for more interviewing with Mr. Klenz and Greg. I can't hardly wait. I just wish that more of my friends from CAPT would come after me. There are openings too for more Cadets!!! *hint*

Test 1 Phase Complete

Well, after a quick 27 minutes, I finished the first personality test at 8:27 EDT. It was the exact test that I previously had taken prior to getting accepted into CAPT. I was later notified that I would not have to take these tests because of the rigorous screening process that I went through in applying for CAPT so that took a little load off my shoudlers. Check back for a complete run down of today after lunch.

I'm a Mac / Cromartie #25 / No so "hot wings"

I'm a PC, I'm a Mac! check it out. they're great!

The newest individual to become a Charger is yet another Antonio and he's saying some awesome things. If he says that he's amazing good, he better be especially knowing that the last time he suited up was in 2004!

- "Rookie of the year, go to the Pro Bowl
and also help the team win the Super Bowl."

*click on the picture

My first following of an NHL game was awesome. It does suck that the number one seed Detriot Red Wings ate it tonight with 2 minutes left. =( Sorry Greg.

Interviewing in...

After an awesome weekend of LOFTs to Mobile, San Antonio then back, I'm beginning the awesome journey into preparing for my interview with Focus Air Cargo. They fly these planes (click on the word planes). So, once again, I will be blogging a little less. But still, I encourage you to check it out everyday! Who knows when the madness will start over again. I'll post something other stuff about the LOFT in upcoming days.

We stayed in Mobile, Alabama, yes I said 'bama! That was interesting. The Red Roof Inn wasn't that pleasant. The only thing that I remembered about the Alamo was that it was in the middle of downtown San Antonio (SAT) which was weird because I had always pictured it being in the middle of a desert. There was a river that ran through the city too, which was cool. Laura's house was amazing and her mom was more than hospitable. The friends were cool. Now I'm back. I'll up some photos later. Till then...

New things...

And the new title is, "Life After CAPT" I can't really think of anything else right now.

Current Tunes I'm listening to on "elipod" (that's what adelle calls it...she of course calls hers "mipod") I love music! Anything goes really...

Google Calendar - good stuff...

and yeah...I'm planning a X-Country trip with Manoj and Laura to SD maybe. I'll keep you posted.

CAPT Graduation

*I added a link to the new photo gallery that I'm slowly compiling to the right...check it out*
This time, it was my turn! The morning started out great with my family getting a tour of the MD90 simulator in Daytona Beach at 7:30AM. That meant that all of us needed to be out the door at 6:45 in order to get there on time. After some strict regimenting, we stepped out on the minute.

We got into the sim and I demonstrated some hard landings as well as some soft ones just to show them the realism of the device. I had my dad, sister and adelle follow along with me while I was left seat. I let them try to land the plane and helped out whenever I saw that things were getting bumpy. Then off to the ceremony.

I graduated summa cum laude along with four stripes. It was definitely an awesome day. We even had a special individual, by the name of Dan Robertson, give a very intriguing speech about the status of our industry. The food service went well after a week long of setting up and confirming the necessary funds, but everyone really enjoyed it. It definitely beat out the traditional BBQ that we normally get, but it did come at a cost. Well worth it!

Check out the pix in the new photo gallery. Click here

LOFT 3 and 2...DONE!!!

Well, I had these two LOFTs with #3 yesterday and #2 today. The biggest failure of yesterday was that both FMS computer failed and we became a slant alpha aircraft using traditional VOR navigation. It was exciting and crazy on how fast you come up on each nav aid. Taking into consideration the altitude that you are flying at and just being fully ahead of the plane was the biggest lesson. It was great because I sat left seat and got to strengten my understanding and adhearnce to the boundaries between being Pilot Flying and Pilot in Command. Flying the plane from the right seat is a little difficult with always being fuly conscience that the Captain is still the Captain and that you need to ask politely that things be done. It's quite weird.

Adelle came in yesterday and I introduced her to Tio Oxie's. It was good times. We also hung out with Manoj, Greg, Steph and her friends at Daytona Ale House for quite a while. Good times!

LOFT #2 was today and I hand flew the flight due to both our autopliots being inop. I was el capitan today and once again flying into JFK with negative temps and icing runway condidions was fun. I elected to use flaps 40 and got the plane done rather well. I'm now officially done with the CAPT program and what a feeling it is!


Today's first leg from LAX to LAS (Los Angeles to Las Vegas) went rather smoothly. I eleted to sit right seat because I haven't done a landing from that side before. This is course made me the First Officer and my flight partner Manoj the PIC. The whole first leg went without an event except for a closed runway forcing us to amend our approach into LAS. Nothing at all really too bad. We also were move aware of how much gas we had on board and how that would factor in if we were going to be holding for more than we had already begun to do so.

My leg, we had hell broke loose. The ground shift mechanism failed and that just caused all these aural alerts to go bezerk. We couldn't come back into LAS due to the weather minumums, so we just headed for LAX. Being that we couldn't get the gear up, we elected to just raise it using hte bypass switch but that caused us to not have it when we lowered the gear back down on the approach into LAX. I asked for a hold around Seal Beach to troubleshoot the problem and we deiced to go for the longest runway. It was a lot of communication between approach and company and the flight attendants, but it worked out well. Coming in for the landing was awesome. I was happy that I was able to hold the nose up for quite a while and didn't even put it down until around 70 KIAS. That made is rather smooth. We came to an abrupt stop and called for the passenger evacuation. Good times! Tomorrow should be even more fun. Adelle is coming!