Private AMEL

Guess what? I can fly multi-engine, complex, high performance aircraft! Let's go do it! Now, I just have to build up a lot of PIC (pilot in command) multi-engine time so that I'll look qualified to the airlines. Come to think of it, I'm already at the level of being 3rd senior in the piston phase of CAPT! That's just ridiculous! One more section (Commercial Multi-Engine) and Advanced Meteorolgy and on to jet! It's soon all going to be over! I just hope that I'll be able to finish and have a job ASAP. Umm... Ft. Lauderdale?

Hectic times, WX, Bolts the hurricane season is coming down to an end, we have yet another tropical depression that has formed just south of cuba and seems to be heading in our general direction. We'll more of an accurate estimate of landfall as the upcomming week progresses, but until then, I hope that I'm able to get ahead in the commercial phase of my multi-engine training. Most of you may not know yet, but I did pass my inhouse checkride on Friday and I have the DE ride tomorrow morning bright and early. It should be fun.

I'm going to be a hermit for the remainder of the day and try to get everything down. I'll probably even just paper fly (that's when I sit in front of the plane and pretend) a bit for work on my procedures of Vmc demos and Emergency descents. So far so good though.

Hopefully I'll be posting some good news tomorrow afternoon.

GO CHARGERS!!! We better win esp. after last weeks performance. It was good, but apparently not good enough.

get the low down...

*update* Tech RANTS

When I titled this blog, I was technically referring to the cloud bases. It has been so bad lately, that the only flight I've done in the last 8 days was today and that was just staying in the pattern for some short field take offs and landings. Yeah, we also got to work on the single engine takeoffs and stuff, but nothing like a true flight. Manoj got to finish today, so he just needs to complete some paperwork and off he goes to the DE. I have yet to finish the actual end of course (EOC) ride with the inhouse instructor. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be more cooperative. The prog charts say no.


I have to admit that there are few with it, but those who have it are usually the ones in the right place making the fair decision. Not to say that everyone doesn't have it or chooses a wrong decision, but attitude and maturity always comes in to play. I highly admire this individual and I have to say that I will be owing quite a bit of my future to his sole belief in me. Thanks again for everything.

Now, on to the checkride!!!

Pass and Edited!!!

Well, I passed my oral exam ( I even used my left hand to draw on the white board) and was written off as ready for the next step: the actual flight portion with the instructor. I know that all I will be doing this weekend is reviewing my flight in my head and doing all the maneuvers one by one, line item by line item.

I was going to go up for my ride today, but weather started coming in and it just clouded all over and around us. I didn't feel that great about going up while there were IMC conditions at Daytona Beach as well as Flagler. I needed to demonstrate an engine out and secure as well an emergency descent so those maneuvers cannot be done with a deck below. There is also in no chance that I could have completed my approached single engine because of the instrument conditions. Oh well, I'm hoping that Monday will prove to be okay.

jokes are off

Well, I woke up without the confidence to pass my oral exam today and that's what I got. I froze like I've never frozen before. I stalled like no other. My glasses fogged up, I was full of anger at myself and I just couldn't come up with the answer. I looked like a fool just sitting there moving my leg. It was almost as if, I never all! I'm the one who went over the answers yesterday. I knew them just the day before. I thought that I could perform and I didn't. I didn't deliver. Don't look for that much updates until I get my sh*t straight. I'm seriously disappointed in myself. I mean, I should have passed. Stupid anxiety bullsh*t. I'm pissed!!!

Its a go...

Read the title! So far, its a go for the first part out of 4 final exams regarding my private multi exam and checkride. We always have one oral and checkride exam in house before they sign us out for the Designated Examiner (DE) Oral and Checkride. I'm going to make this one short.

I woke up today and saw that we had the storm just off of our coast named Tammy. It's good stuff. Also, basically no one flew today but it was good for Manoj and I because we had some good time reviewing the aircrafts systems, etc. I still have quite a bit to go over before I feel fully confident, but I'll get right to it as soon as I finish updating this. I'm addicted now. I can't stop. I mean 7 full entries yesterday alone! This is my second one today and I still have yet to updated the other fulltime blog. I'm trying to make the trelijah one fulltime, but sometimes the Sprint Photo library connection isn't available. Whatever that may mean.

The storm is moving upward parallel to our coast, but it isn't really dropping that much rain here just yet. Most of the weather is to the northeast and north of the eye, which we kind of got to see. It was kind of neat. Calm and stuff. The trees aren't blowing that crazy anymore. If you look at radar constantly, you can see that there is another little bugger brewing just south of the Florida peninsula, just a little south of Cuba. If you are too lazy, head over to and check out all they have. The satellite images are awesome. Here's what I'm currently looking at: