A Perfect Review of the HIMYM Finale *spoilers… duh*

If you're going to read one final recap and review of the HIMYM series finale, head over to BoingBoing for details. What did you think about it? HIMYM Last Forever

“We’ll always be friends. It’s just never going to be how it was. It can’t be. It doesn’t have to be a sad thing. There’s so much wonderful stuff happening in all of our lives right now, more than enough to be grateful for. But the five of us hanging out at MacLaren’s being young and stupid? It’s just not one of those things.”

Eli Stone and New Amsterdam

Both these two shows, Eli Stone and New Amsterdam, have been part of my daily cruising the Internet for things to do.  So, I end of on fox.com or abc.com and stream away the episodes that I have missed.  It's a good streak too especially when you have fallen behind, but it takes up way too much time to catch up.  I'm just in the middle of watching Eli Stone (on the 3rd one straight) and the last episode featured singer/songwriter, George Michael.  It's pretty cool just reading about how the creator and producer is a big fan and how he incorporated the singer into his show.  (Wikipedia)

Both these shows feature a cast that is just fun to watch interact.  I'm loving the various plots that each episode has to offer and its just refreshing to me that writing like this is still out there.  I still watch How I Met Your Mother, which by the way, had a great ending to the last episode.  It featured Neil Patrick Harris blogging away at his computer like he use to do as Doogie Howser.  That was just an awesome way to end his Sweet Sixteen Womanizer Story.  Oh well, I should probably get back on the being productive track and get some sleep.