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Happy New Years!

Just hanging out with my best friends for New Year's (well, right before anyways) topped off the night. I drove home right before 12:00 PST to hang out with my mom and Adelle and just got lazy after that. I've been getting some stupid running nose type thingy. Not fun at all...congestion, and all the fun stuff.

I ended up going to 5 different places last night. I mean, it all started at 1300 with a birthday party, then my uncle's place at 1800, then Vince's till 2200, then Adelle, and then back home at exactly 2355. Good stuff I tell ya! Vincenzo's house party was awesome last night! That's him in the picture being a door man. They decorated the entire house really well with a champagne fountain, red carpet, VIP lounge and everything! I was definitely impressed. We left there early to hang out with Marella and Jojo and his cousin Pat. Good stuff at Fashion Hills with a lot of doughuts. Need to eat the rounds for some good luck or something.